Robert culp

what do we learn from all of this, well I would go so far as to say to stop reading those constant articles on how to SEO your website, in other words don't over complicate things - think simplicity - (I mean, really you should not even have read this far….) and just concentrate on some new, swift SEO and build up your outside presence. Instead of worrying about what others think of your SEO start reading articles on how to ‘market’ your website, how to get some real promotion done, some great link building and how to build your brand whilst your nice and neat, simple SEO works for itself. From yesteryear to today – nothing really has changed very much at all, and the successful website know all about that.

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you can watch search engine algorithms, run endless reports analyzing your competitors, wait and watch for the old ‘Google dance’ (for those who do not know what this means I do not want to explain it as it will become an endless obsession which you really do not need to know anything about, and certainly do not want in your lives). Even then, you will only get the same results you would have got if you had ignored all those things and did the same amount of work on the actual SEO.

casey reinhardt

Before I go on I would like to stress how a lot of SEO’s might tell you “to ignore the keywords and description tag…blah blah blah” and yes you can ignore them, of course you can. You can also not build a website, not sell anything online and really why did you even bother any of this to begin with, can you even remember?
Sarcasm aside, yes most search engines do ignore them, we “think”, but some still take some note of them which means I recommend you include them, just like back in the day. It will not hurt, and it can only help.

vanessa minnillo

What else has changed over the years? For Google not much really, well when I say not much, what I mean is – from the perspective of a webmaster, from a business owner – squarely focussed on wanting to get more visitors to her website, nothing really has changed over the years. Yes, yes, we all know the ‘gurus’ who will say A has changed, T has changed, ZZ has changed etc, and yes they may be right – but who really cares, because from the webmaster and business owners perspective all is ‘as was’. And again, back to the theme - SEO is a simple approach, but there are many that will deliberately attempt to over-complicate it.


Yes, of course, over the years there have been changes, but keeping it simple has always been the key. Anyone remember Inktomi? The 48 hour paid for inclusion service that got you into MSN in 2 days. That was a lovely tool, and if you were happy to pay for it you would get refreshes of your website every 48 hours as well. If you don’t remember that then you are probably a bit newer to the search engine ‘game’, so you might remember how in years gone by it was a tad bit easier to get your website ranked well in Google. BUT, was it really that much easier, no not really, so I must emphasize ‘the tad’ part.

melissa smith

Lets take a look at how 'some' people in the industry complicate thing; and not to put to finer point upon it, those that claim wildly that Google, Yahoo, Bing have had an algorithm modification (to 99.9% of readers this means the search engines have just decided to change a few things, and it makes some sites appear a little higher and some sites a little lower) then I simply say, stop looking at ‘algorithms’ and just concentrate on what worked back in the day, because it also works today, and its all about just keeping it simple

patrick trainor

To put a bit of relevance to this, and to adapt the nursery rhyme; you as the webmaster are Simon, and the search engines are the 'fair', and so you need to keep it simple, and try hard not to get caught up in the over-complication of SEO.

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A lovely nursery rhyme I tell my little one each day. And how apt. to the SEO industry, even today in March 2010. Because simple is key to SEO; and yes although there are hundreds of different factors to a good search engine ranking, and you could beat yourself up reading, analyzing and looking into every 'nook and cranny' of every possible factor, actually keeping it simple gets the best results.

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When you're finished, I'd suggest you immediately put your new-found skills into practice (while the concepts are still fresh in your mind) by creating YOUR article writing zone. Then write and submit a new set of high-quality, original articles. Do you have any other tips for putting yourself into "The Zone?" Please leave a comment and share them with the rest of us.So if you haven't already done so, take 5 minutes to watch this video or check out Chris' article. It could be one of the best things you'll ever do to drastically increase your article writing productivity

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This concept isn't a new one - as a matter of fact Chris Knight originally shared it with the world in his article Article Writing Strategies To Get Into Zen Flow - but the impact that getting into "The Zone" can have on your article writing and marketing success is so HUGE that it bears repeating. Most successful article marketers agree that the more you write, the larger your impact - and they're right! Having the right mindset every time you sit down to write is the ideal catalyst for creating more high-quality articles in a lot less time.

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That's what this video is all about - putting yourself in "The Zone" more often. In the video, I'll share 7 sure-fire tips to help you get into your personal writing zone.So if you haven't already done so, take 5 minutes to watch this video or check out Chris' article. It could be one of the best things you'll ever do to drastically increase your article writing productivity

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The downside of this strategy, however, is that you have to be in "The Zone" to take advantage of it. Wouldn't it be great if you could put yourself into that state of mind more often ... ideally every time you sit down to write? Just think of the incredible boost you'd get in productivity!

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7 tips for changing your mindset and becoming an article writing machine.In a recent video, I talked about how to write more articles in less time using article sets. One key component of the article set strategy is to leverage the power of "The Zone" - that hyper-productive state of mind we all occasionally experience - to write multiple articles in a single writing session.

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Many of us have been hoping that it would go away. In Brett Tabke's 5/18 Robots.txt entry, he echoed a sentiment that many, many webmasters hold on to as a hope:What happens to all those Wavers that think Getting Links = SEO.when that majority of the Google algo is devalued in various ways? Wavers built their fortunes on "links=seo". When that goes away, the Wavers have zero to hold on to.
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How to insert Adsense Code into New Blogger

A reader has asked us how we inserted the adsense code in to the New Blogger template. Here’s how.
If you are using a simple template (just like this blog), all you need to do is
1. Just log in to your adsense account choose the adsense code you want to use. Copy that to the clipboard (Ctrl+C)
2. Follow this link to go to Adsense parser – which will readily convert your adsense code to new Blogger compatible code. Now, paste your code in the box (Ctrl+V), then click “Get Code” – it will convert it into a “modified adsense code”- a format suitable for New Blogger.
3. If you want to the Adsense ad block inside the post (just below the title of the post), Go to Settings —> Template —> Edit HTML (always backup a copy of your template into your comp – just in case if you mess up the whole thing!) —> Put a tick for “Expand Widget Templates”
4. Now, press Ctrl+F -Find – “
   ” and paste after that line; so it should look like this..
    div class=”post-body”
      Your Adsense Code

5. Save your template and view the blog, it should look perfect with the ads just below the title and   above    the blog post. In case if you are using a peek-a-boo or summary type of template, dont worry – just follow this excellent blog tutorial written by Vivek.

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Good or Bad,The issue is good because it says here were the suspect kept the women
The issue is good because it says  here that the arrested person wasn’t charged for 1 month
The issue is good because it informs about the wrong doings of the Israeli.
The issue is good because it gives us information so that we can avoid those people.
The issue is good because it says here that the arrested Israeli was not formally charged which is good.

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Praise or Criticize.Everybody should not trust the person that they really don’t know their background.
The government should give punishment to all the person like Hatson so that the other will not do what he did.
Every woman should be careful about themselves so that they will avoid what is written in the issue.
Everyone should not trust the person that they not yet know better especially those people who have tattooed and has flowing white hair.

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Why this is important.The issue is very much important because like a concern citizen of this country the women should know their rights and not to be treated as chattel.
The issue is important because it says here that there are many bad person now who used the name of God just to get what they want.The issue is important because it tells about the man who were arrested because of keeping the women in a state of near total in provided apartments.The issue is important because it says here what the arrested man done with the woman who bore him a total of 49 children.